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What People Are Saying

Image by Glen Carrie

"I love my coaching sessions with Erin. She is a highly skilled listener who asks insightful questions.


When she does speak into the issues and challenges I face, she speaks with wisdom. I appreciate her ability to coach me as I work to accomplish my goals."          

Theresa P., ministry leader

"Erin has had a positive impact on my life from the first time I met with her 2 years ago. She is an empathetic listener and provides insightful feedback.


Erin helped me identify and change my thought patterns, face my fears, and come to see that I was designed with a purpose.  Her gentle and inviting presence put me at ease immediately and I'm so thankful to have met her and worked with her!" 

Emily O.

"One of the best things I've done for myself this past year was to hire a Personal Development Life Coach!


I am entering a new season in my life and have really benefited from my coaching sessions with Erin. She helped me discover a deeper level of self-awareness through a variety of assessments, evaluations and resources.


This process was valuable in order to understand where I have been, where I am now and where I want to be in the future. I so appreciate Erin's kind and gentle spirit in guiding, encouraging and in prayer support. This was time well spent!"


"Working with Erin is a transformational experience.   Her years of experience working with hurting people give her extraordinary empathy and understanding. Each conversation we have had has been marked by insight, personal growth, and gentle challenge to move forward in truth and action.   If you are looking for a guide as you navigate personal discovery and growth,  I would highly recommend Erin!"  
Gina S., RN, student, mother of 3, Jesus follower

“Erin took me through a process called "Divine Design" which uses several assessments to help discover your strengths.  She is very encouraging, asks great questions that helped me to realize and appreciate the person that God has made me to be. I am a uniquely created person, made in His image. 


My time with Erin gave me a new perspective to make "what to do" decisions based on my strengths.”


"Erin has such a calm and thoughtful way of coaching. I enjoyed going through Divine Design with her in order to learn more about what gifts and strengths I have. I walked away with a paragraph and a sentence that describe who I am and what I bring into this world. I've used those statements in my speaking bio (and those are always so hard to write) and also as a reminder of who I am in times of doubt when life gets overwhelming. I'm glad I invested in coaching with her."                                                     

Luna L.

"Being coached through my enneagram type by Erin has benefited my relationships in my personal life AND the work place! I have a greater awareness of the lens that I am viewing myself and others through. Recognizing these patterns and then redirecting my thoughts into alignment with God’s word has given me freedom from responsibilities and standards that aren’t mine to begin with! I’m so grateful for this awareness."

Emily O.

My time with Erin has brought tremendous healing and growth. Her grasp of the implications of my Type in my family situation and general life is revealing and helpful. Her thoughtful worksheets and gracious, supportive manner as we worked through them together has brought freedom and validation to my soul. All this based on application of God's Word and her heart-relevant prayers closing each session. I have a growing grasp of who God has called  me to be for such a time as this.

K.C., wife, mother, grandmother

"I recently completed 6 coaching sessions with Erin.  During our time together I not only discovered more about my personality, abilities, natural skills and how they might be put to good use, I also obtained much needed affirmation and direction.  Erin asked great questions that helped me to have my own "ah-ha" moments.  She is a natural at directing clients through the process of self-discovery, she builds easy, warm rapport with others and listens deeply.  I enjoyed each session with Erin and was a bit bummed when they were over." 
Kris R., Student

"Erin provided support during a very trying time in my professional life. She asked important, thought provoking questions that helped to guide me to make the best decisions for the next step forward. She listened and encouraged me in ways that filled me up when I felt drained. I cannot say enough about the quality care and seasoned coaching she provides. Erin is truly gifted."

Dana F.

"Erin is exceptionally gifted in helping someone discover their unique design. She is patient, wise, and prayerful. Her respectful attitude creates an atmosphere of safety where it is possible to share freely without judgement and thus connect more deeply with the true self. Early in the process it was clear that there were no wrong answers, just answers with greater degrees of authenticity for me as a person. Yet even at this deeper level, the work that is taking place is unfolding between me and the Lord, and thus remains private.  There were three people present at every session; me, Erin, and the Holy Spirit.  And yet curiously, although deeper reflection leads to deeper insights; it is possible to progress through the steps at a more superficial level and still receive benefit.  Divine Design is truly one-size-fits-all for many different seasons in life.  It would be hard to imagine anyone not discovering useful and potentially life changing information, even with a modest amount of time.  For most of my adult life I have reacted to outside forces with limited consciousness of who I was as a unique individual.  This has resulted in choices that are not always the best fit for my gifts and strengths.   Additionally, Divine Design has helped me practice more self-compassion, and brought some peace of mind concerning a few personal losses and frustrations since I am now seeing the ups and downs of life as having a purpose in my overall design.  An unanticipated but very welcome benefit of the program is that since I have a stronger sense of who I am, I have a better idea of how to practice self-care."

Lauren U. 

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